Operating Guidelines & Prospectus

Last Update: Jan 15, 2020


  • Like all securities, our investments are subject to market, or systematic, risk. This is because there is no way to predict what will happen in the future or whether a given asset will increase or decrease in value. Because the market cannot be accurately predicted or completely controlled, no investment is risk-free.


  • This Operating Document sets forth concisely the information that a prospective investor ought to know before investing. Investors should carefully read the Offer Document before making an investment decision.
  • This Document remains effective until a ‘material change’ (other than a change in Fundamental Attributes and within the purview of the offer document) occurs. Material changes will be publicly notified by advertisements on portal.
  • The particulars have been prepared in accordance with the Executive board.
  • No person has been authorized to give any information or to make any representations not confirmed in this Offer Document, in connection with the Offer Document or the issue of Units, and any information or representations not contained herein must not be relied upon as having been authorized by the Mutual Fund or the Asset Management Company.


  • Choice of Investment Plans: Wiz Investments offers the following plan:

Growth Plan:

  • The Growth Plan is designed for investors interested in capital appreciation on their investment and not regular income. Accordingly, the Fund will not declare dividends under the Growth Plan. The income earned on the Growth Plan’s corpus will remain invested in the Growth Plan.

The Growth Plan has two options:

           Growth Option:

  • The Growth Plan has a Growth Option. Under this Option, there will be no distribution of income and the returns to the investor are only by way of capital gains/ appreciation, if any, through redemption at applicable NAV of the units held by them.

           Bonus Option:

  • The Growth Plan has a Bonus Option. Guided by the philosophy of value oriented returns, the Trustees may decide to periodically capitalize the sums from reserves including the amount of distributable surpluses of the plan by way of allotment/ credit of bonus units to the unitholders accounts, the intent being to enhance the unitholders interests. At this point this bonus plan is not supported (iii) Dividend Re-investment Option: The Dividend Plan has a Re-investment Option whereby the dividend distributed under the plan will be automatically re-invested at the ex-dividend NAV on the transaction day following the date of declaration of dividend and additional units will be allotted accordingly. This is the default plan.

The Fund, however, does not assure any targeted annual return/ income nor any capitalization ratio. Accumulation of earnings and/ or capitalization of bonus units and the consequent determination of NAV, may be suspended temporarily or indefinitely under any of the circumstances as stated under the para on ‘Suspension of Purchases and/or Redemption of units’ of the Offer Document.

Please note that, the units will, by default, be allotted under the Growth Plan and. Similarly, under the Dividend Plan, if no choice (payout or reinvestment) is indicated, the applicant will be deemed to have applied for the Dividend Reinvestment Option under the plan. If no Option is indicated under the Growth Plan, the applicant will be deemed to have applied for the Growth Option under the Growth Plan. The unit holder is subsequently free to switch the units from the default plan / option to any other eligible plans / options of the Plan, at the applicable NAV.

Investment Objective:

The primary investment objective of the plan is to seek to generate continuous returns by actively investing in equity / equity related securities or fixed income securities of power and other associated companies.


  • Percentage NAV will be calculated and disclosed half yearly and shall be published to investors upon request
  • Publication of Abridged Half-yearly Un-audited:
  • Communication of Portfolio on a half-yearly basis to the Unit holders directly or through the Publications or as may be prescribed under the Regulations from time to time.
  • Email/portal notification of the Annual Reports of the respective Plans within the stipulated period as required under the Regulations.


A penal interest of 20% or such other rate will be applied from time to time, will be paid in case the redemption proceeds are not made within 10 Working Days of the date of receipt of a valid redemption request. However, under normal circumstances, the Fund will endeavor to dispatch the Redemption check within 10-12 Working Days from the acceptance of a valid redemption request.


  • Unit holders will have the flexibility to alter the allocation of their investments among the plan(s) offered by the Mutual Fund, in order to suit their changing investment needs, by easily switching between the plan(s) / plans of the Fund. Funds and securities investments are subject to market risks and there is no assurance or guarantee that the objectives of the Plan will be achieved.
  • As with any investment in securities, the NAV of the Units issued under the Plan can go up or down depending on the factors and forces affecting the capital markets. Past performance of the Fund is not indicative of the future performance of the Plan.
  • Fund is only the name of the plan and does not in any manner indicate either the quality of the plan; its future prospects or returns. The Mutual Fund is not guaranteeing or assuring any dividend/ bonus. The Mutual Fund is also not assuring that it will make periodical dividend/bonus distributions, though it has every intention of doing so. All dividend/bonus distributions are subject to the investment performance of the plan.


  • Trading volumes and settlement periods may restrict liquidity in equity and debt investments.
  • Investment in Debt is subject to price, credit, and interest rate risk. The NAV of the Plan may be affected, inter alia, by changes in the market conditions, interest rates, trading volumes, settlement periods and transfer procedures.
  • The liquidity of the Plan’s investments may be inherently restricted by trading volumes, settlement periods and transfer procedures. In the event of an inordinately large number of redemption requests, or of a re-structuring of the Plan’s investment portfolio, these periods may become significant.

Please read the Sections of this Offer Document entitled “Special Considerations” and “Right to Limit Redemptions”.

  • There will be a 2% charge of the service, whosoever joins, towards operation costs.
  • Once the principle amount is used to purchase the stock then an email notification will be send to the client.
  • It would also specify how much is being invested. Investments will not happen immediately.
  • The decision is based on market state and also the timing of the market.
  • Withdrawal can be made at any point, but if this withdrawal is before 12 months there would be a penalty of 20%.
  • Settlement of funds will take approximately 4 working days.
  • Investments will be in lots. So expect more profits for long term investments.
  • Additions will be done only in lots.
  • Partial withdrawals will be honored but again refer to rule 1 & 5.
  • Additions and withdrawals will be taken care at the current market price and market situation,
  • With multiple entry points and exits, company will take a decision of latest exit as exit for partial exit from the lot.
  • Will publish the performance of the company every 6 months.
  • For tracking purpose, company will inform the units purchased and at what rate for each investor.
  • Corollary also holds good, at the time of sale/withdrawal. Company will inform the investor what amount is being withdrawn.

Tracking the investments:

  • For the overall portfolio of the strategy. We will be considering the total amount that is being traded by the EOD trade. To report the profits/losses.
  • Whereas for individual consumer we will try to maintain percentage revenue, so that user is aware of his/her investment status at any given point of time.


Other Disclosures

  • Wiz Investments does not guarantee to honor company issued vouchers or share certificates in the event of arbitration, legal action, or any harm against reputation to Wiz Investments or its entities. Board will hold the ultimate authority on the final decision.
  • Wiz Investments. Registered office of Wiz Investments is at 806 Portwalk Pl., Redwood City, California-94065, USA, Tel No: +1-918-605-7934, E-mail address: info@wizinvestments.com. Past performance of any fund/scrip does not guarantee or guide to future performance. All investments are subject to market risks and there is no assurance or guarantee that the investment objectives shall be achieved. Investment involves investment risks such as trading volumes, settlement risk, liquidity risk, default risk including the possible loss of principal.